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The RP WiFiBridge, as the name implies, bridges a WiFi data stream to a wired input on a controller such as a Renard, Renard Plus, Light-O-Rama, or other DMX devices. It utilizes e1.31 Steaming-ACN (DMX) over network and can output either DMX (for LOR, Renard DMX or other DMX capable controllers) or Renard data format via RS-485. It utilizes the incredibly capable and affordable ESP8266 ESP-01 wireless module as the “brains” of the adapter. The WiFiBridge board runs from 5v in (either provided externally or obtained from the controller). On-board it provides the 3.3v needed to run the ESP module.
Renard Plus controller boards are flexible in their input configuration and can support a wide range of interconnect options including wired and wireless. For wireless connections, there are a number of communications types that can be used including XBee, NRF, and standard 802.11 “Wi-Fi”.
The RP WiFiBridge, as the name implies, bridges a WiFi data stream to a wired input on a controller such as a Renard, Renard Plus, Light-O-Rama, or other DMX devices. It utilizes e1.31 Steaming-ACN (DMX) over network and can output either DMX (for LOR, Renard DMX or other DMX capable controllers) or Renard data format via RS-485. It utilizes the incredibly capable and affordable ESP8266 ESP-01 wireless module as the “brains” of the adapter. The WiFiBridge board runs from 5v in (either provided externally or obtained from the controller). On-board it provides the 3.3v needed to run the ESP module.
The Wi-Fi capability of the ESP8266 enables the WiFiBridge module to run on a standard Wi-Fi network.
The ESP module should typically be programmed using a Renard Plus REEFer, or DIGWDE Flashamater ESP programmer using the forkineye ESPixelStick code found here: https://github.com/forkineye/ESPixelStick/releases